Saturday, August 9, 2008

the art of love

Vostro Voce Bella (Your Beautiful Voice)

the sun sets a Cezanne just beyond the window
the rain beats a Beethoven just above the ceiling
the wind whispers a Whitman just over the lawn

vostro voce bella:
a painting
a symphony
a poem

the high 'coo' of its timbre
the timbre of its haiku

be with me always
through all of my setting suns
rain, rain go away

lie with me always
upon autumn's leaves of grass
rain, rain go away

watch with me always
the rainbow beyond the clouds
rain, rain go away

vostro voce bella:
Cezanne's brush across canvas
Beethoven's fingers across ivories
Whitman's pen across paper

voce della mia moglie bella

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