Friday, July 29, 2011

Low and Golden / new poems 2011

Off to the Side (for Jim Harrison, poet)

I stand where you have always stood;

There where the light flushes new color into primrose.
At the edge where black clouds hover not overhead but within.
Beyond myself but with both feet planted firmly and walking forward.
Holding Protestant ethic in a hand while furiously working with the other.
Immersed in the quiescence of the wild where thoughts are free to linger.

I stand where you have always stood;

Off to the side, unseen for weeks, months, even years.
In the charity and wisdom of a good woman's unconditional love.
Within my own skin, looking more comfortable with each new decade.
Outside myself to better understand how much I still don't know as yet.
Inside my own mind, a mirror reflecting the beautiful lie and the ugly truth.

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