Wednesday, February 9, 2011

No Architecture Can Forget / new poems 2010

Bracing For The Lake Effect

She sips green tea

This coffee's gone cold, again

Shutters creak, cry to come inside

Dog dreams hover overhead
In the low ceiling's trapped heat

But escape is never an option here
Better to brace ourselves for the coming calendar
Send cold rosary prayers to frozen saints
Sketch elusive Barcelona by her open waters

Between the short-lived suns of December on
Where sleep feels narcotic, almost anesthetic

Before ourselves dare dream of heat's release
When dogs run free in search of Spanish sol

And so kettle cries fog brittled windows

We drink deep, steel the soul instead for now

Hot tea, slow blood, cold caffeine

Surround this island, around this island
Where we have fashioned naive architectures

Of hours spent in darkness beneath incandescent
Reading Hemingway and humming a cante fandango

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